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Advanced Settings
1.1 Activate internal URL evaluation list
The internal evaluation list refers to the admitted and forbidden domain names that is provided on an internal evaluation list. This evaluation list is encoded, and its information is hidden. If you deactivate the list, all web pages will only be scanned according to your search patterns and either be admitted or forbidden.
We recommend that you do not deactivate this list. Doing so means that pages will be evaluated very strictly, which may cause the blocking of harmless pages as well.
1.2 Activate internal search patterns for <meta> tags, <body> tag and title
The internal search patterns are provided on an internal evaluation list. This evaluation list is encoded, and its information is hidden. If a search pattern is called, for example, "adult videos." If found on a page that is not permitted as a general rule, this expression will cause the page to be blocked. In order to prevent this page from being searched, you can deactivate these search patterns.
We recommend that you do not deactivate this list. Doing so means that pages will be evaluated less strictly, which may cause pages containing harmful content to be allowed.
1.3 Deny access to all non-classified domains
In addition to a list containing hundreds of thousand of forbidden domains, SiteKiosk also features a list of "allowed" domains. Check this box to grant users access solely to domains classified as allowed on the filtering list. All other domains will then be classified as forbidden despite the fact that they may be harmless.
1.4 Delete "Temporary Internet Files" every time SiteKiosk starts up
If enabled, this option ensures that SiteKiosk will delete all Temporary Internet Files on startup. This measure may prove useful as web pages stored in cache cannot be blocked by the content filter and will increase system performance as well. Note that the deletion processing time is directly related to the cache size.
1.5 Disable filtering between X and Y
In some countries, minors are not allowed to stay in bars, amusement arcades, and other facilities past a certain time of day. Enable this function to disable filtering during these periods of time.
You can update the URL lists (domains) and the search patterns either automatically or manually by pressing the Update button. If you have enabled "Automatically update the evaluation list in the background", SiteKiosk will check online (after startup and an online connection was established) for a more up-to-date list and, if found, synchronize this list with the internal one.
1.1 Edit (no adjustments necessary)
We recommend to customers running SiteKiosk on several hundred terminals that they create their own update URL. Press the Default button to restore the original settings.
You should use this option in exceptional cases only.
1.2 Update
Press the Update button to immediately check for new available updates.
Many large businesses use proxy servers with which users will have to register before they are given access to the Internet. If applicable, enter the corresponding user name and password in this section.
Unfortunately, we have yet to implement automatic registration for the https:// protocol. As of now, only the protocol http:// allows users to register automatically.
If all you want to use is automatic registration with the proxy server, but you have no need for the filtering functionality, turn off the first two checkboxes above (evaluation list and search pattern).
These settings are relevant if your terminals are connected to the Internet via a SOCKS5 firewall. If this applies to your terminal, please ask your system administrator for the configuration information.
See also
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