Support Request: URL whitelist


Hello-I would like documentation for URL whitelisting requirements. THis would be for SiteKioskOnline, US version.

Answer: (3)

Re: URL whitelist 10/31/2024 10:00 PM

Thank you for your inquiry. You can the documentation here:

This setting can be found in Project Settings>>Client>>Browser>>Forbidden Internet addresses / Permitted Internet addresses. This is text-based search by order of precedence in the list. You can have your blocks simplified as using asterisk (as a wild card mask):


And you can have your allowed URLs in this format for security reasons (if users have access to address bar):

*.website .com/*

Some websites do not have "www." at the start. You can always refer to your logs for any websites that were blocked in Monitoring >>Device Name>>Logfiles:

Best regards,
Re: URL whitelist 10/31/2024 11:05 PM
I don't need to know how to whitelist URLs in the app, I just need to know what SiteKiosk specific URLs we would need to allow through our firewall, if any, for SiteKiosk Online communications
Re: URL whitelist 11/1/2024 1:33 PM

Thank you for the update. You will need to allow ports 443 for secure communication to the respective server you are connecting to, in this case, or IP . You can find our FAQ here with certain custom exceptions:

You can ignore those custom case scenarios, as by default all services uses port 443 in the current versions since SiteKiosk Online Server v1.2.

Best regards,
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